Tuesday 31 May 2011

Final Pin-up

Here it is then, the moment we have all been dreading since we started 3 years ago and looked at the 3rd year's work on the wall.  "Surely we could never achieve that" well we did and stop keep calling me Shirley.
I think we should all be proud of what we've put on the wall as only a few months ago on a tense Monday, Jamie in shovel round the head mode (and justifiably so) we put work up for a crit and were told to go away and try again.  Well, it seemed to work even if we all felt a bit miffed at the time.

 The chaos that is Grant 
Final adjustments

Just one more hoop to jump through then its out into the big, wide world.

To any 1st or 2nd year students reading this, you will wonder, when you look at the exhibition, how you will move from what you do in 2nd year to what you do in 3rd year but you will achieve it, you won't know how, but you will.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers Neil, didn't realise it was that bad, Bobby Bomb damage is alive and well!!

    Nicely composed wall of work, looking forward to Friday to have a proper look.

    good day today, Examiners were great, good questions and thoughtful comment, don't you agree?

    So bloody tired, hope you had a nice chip fest
