Tuesday 14 August 2012

Planting at the Olympic Park

 I thought you might like to see some of the planting styles at the Olympic Park.  It has a definite wild meadow look about it with different areas showing or representing different areas of the world.  Some areas were looking better than others but all in all it looked very good and very colourful, I just hope it gets the chance to reseed itself and thrive from here.

Some gabions and EPDM for you Landscape Architects, ooh!

However, there were a couple of large screens cleverly located in the river with banks either side so people could view them easily.  We were there in the first week before the atheletics stadium had opened and people were already trampling the planting and sitting in the bioswales!  "Mum, my bum feels a bit wet!"  Still, as long as we can all herd together and watch tv.

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