Tuesday 25 January 2011

Back to the Drawing Board

So yesterday we had a chance to put our new drawings up to be marked, this was it, no more chances.  After a day of waiting around we were allowed back into the room and I found to my amazement I got a C+, which at this stage I'm very happy with.  I keep looking at the final exhibition stuff from last year and have to keep telling myself that the work which is on show is  the best that last year's students produced and that hopefully by the end of the year we will be producing work of similar quality (that's what they told us anyway!).
I decided to abandon all hope of computer rendering, after spending about 6 hours on Photoshop cutting people out and putting them into Indesign, and went for the watercolour pencils that my son was given as a birthday present and some pastels.  I thought it looked quite vibrant and 3D ish but others seemed to be brighter.  

There's still a way to go (including writing up a new document) but at least we're in the final term.  I will have been studying for 8 years when this finishes (I did 5 years with the OU to get to a level where I could get into Hadlow and Greenwich), so I'm desperate to get out and have my life back...


  1. Coming on leaps and bounds and you are right last years work was the final final pin up, so we have room for improvement and looking around at everybody else's work i can defiantly see some techniques that could help get the point across.
