Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Coastal Drift at Hampton Court 2

Yesterday was Day 8 for the Coastal Drift team at Hampton Court and it all seems to be going swimmingly!  The deck has had Simon's special stain applied to it, the wall has had another coat of paint and the plants began to go in over the weekend.  All it would seem to be needed to be done at this stage is to continue with the planting and to add the few finishing touches.

Well done gang.

Good luck with the judges, enjoy Press Day and the Gala Evening.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Coastal Drift at Hampton Court

I've just spent the last three days at Hampton Court helping Willmott Ford to build their Coastal Drift garden in time for this year's Flower Show.  The wall and deck were the first things to go up and we have spent the last couple of days dodging the showers and trying to get the wall filled and painted.
It finally stopped yesterday long enoungh to get the final two coats of paint on it and it looks magnificent and really stands out from all of the other gardens when viewed from the end of the row.   

 Waiting for the delivery of compost and sea shells.

 Planting up the wall with grasses to create the movement of the waves.  It works, especially with the recent gale force winds.

Willmott Ford after five hard days work on their creation, just the posts and the planting to go. 

Monday, 18 June 2012

Tunbridge Wells Topiary

So, last week I helped one of my former tutors Marian Boswall (conservation management plan for Greenwich Park - best subject ever) with a planting job of topiary at the front of a house in Tunbridge Wells.  There were some existing box balls that were to be moved and a lot of new stuff to go in.  
We began by lifting the ones that were to be moved and then cut out some turf to make the beds larger (in sunshine). 

 Then it rained.  And rained.  And rained.

 Planting finished with composted bark and awaiting a specimen plant and some large orbs to set it all off (still raining).
We carried on regardless, we're British after all (well most of us were) and I will have to make a detour in a year or so to see how it has filled out and been sculpted into shape.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Planting in Limehouse with Miss Ford

I recently had a call from Miss. Ford asking if I'd like to help with a planting job in Limehouse in London.  It was to plant up some raised beds that had been installed onto a rooftop terrace of a penthouse suite.  Marvellous, I thought, a day in the sun on the 4th floor.  
Unfortunately, when the Buxus sempervirens (Box balls) turned up they were much bigger than intended and we struggled to get 8 at a time in the lift, over 80 was the total.  Luckily, because they were so big we only needed 40 thereby saving the client a few bob and saving us a few trips in the lift!.
However, the landscapers who made the planters (who shall remain nameless) filled the planters up to the top with soil and compost so we had to spend time and effort removing said soil and compost before we could plant the Buxus.  Anyway, once it was all finished with Alliums and Salvias etc, it looked really good and complimented the planters and the slate chippings that the client wanted to use.

 The Shard and Gherkin in the background

 Photinia 'Red Robin' with Heucheras at the rear terrace to create screening from neighbouring properties.

 Bumblebees on the 4th floor an hour after planting!

A bees-eyed view.