Monday 22 August 2011


Home of the Plane tree.  Every square in Bath seems to have one and some are even beginning to outgrow their squares and are threatening to start to come into contact with the buildings.

We were in Bath for a look around and a visit to the Roman Baths, it is well worth a visit if only for the architecture.  The city was home to Beau Nash, an 18th century dandy and "King of Bath".  I thought that the name sounded familiar and when I returned here looked through our Calverley Grounds document that we put together in the 3rd year at University to find that Nash had been in Tunbridge Wells when it became popular (well done Miss Ford for that).  We also had a meal in a rather nice restaurant called Strada which was the home of Nash and was where he died.  Strange to be eating Italian in a room where Beau Nash would have wandered around in his dressing gown and slippers!

 A well kept garden at the corner of St. John's Hospital on the corner of Helting Court (I think) with the largest Ginkgo biloba I have seen.  Normally they're scrawny little things in supermarket car parks but this was quite impressive, as far Ginkgo bilobas are concerned that is.  

Bath Abbey with some bedding plants, although it was good to see Cannas being used to take advantage of the mild climate.

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