Friday, 29 April 2011

Drainage Plan

Having never produced a drainage plan and, as far as I can remember, not having been taught how (unless I was asleep for that one), here is my attempt.  The only thing that I can think of is that the rain water will flow to the bottom irrespective of what we design to go in the way so I would include drainage gullies at the top and bottom of the steps, I would allow water to flow into the pools and would collect water from the roof of the restaurant to be used to irrigate the two Lissitzky gardens.
There would be an attenuation tank towards the bottom of the park to allow water to seep into the water table and to avoid the present problem of waterlogging.

Did someone mention 1:50?

1 comment:

  1. looks good to me.
    you seem to be on a roll Mr B.

    I'm not fooling for your bluff anymore.
